Why SHOULD I Pay Dues???

1. Paying dues is in the deed of your home.

If you live on Pickway, Kirkridge and any side streets (minus Deer Run and Deer Run Estates) the original homeowners had received a certificate like the one below. As written in the document below, this transfers from owner to owner. There has always been an Association Fee


2. Dues help us attain other funding such as large donations and grants.

If we want to continue to maintain and improve our little community, we need buy-in. This will also help in showing community buy-in when writing grants needed for repairing the dam on the lake, a playground area, replacing the signs and fences, getting benches, tables, flowers, and so much more!

Photo Credit: Rick Hoeting
Photo Credit: Rick Hoeting

3. Dues help Connect our Community.

Dues are used to pay property taxes on community space (lake and woods behind lake), community events such as Sunday Funday, Adult Night, and other activities.