CATshe Design

Graphic and Website Design, Branding. What sets the bar higher with CATshe? taking the time to know you, discover your goals, see your vision. Your thoughts and ideas are then put into a nicely packaged brand: words, images, colors that capture – well – YOU.

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With a degree in Graphic Design, Kiera has worked as a full-time and part-time graphic and web designer over the years (starting in prepress in 1996) while running a little boutique in Colorado, teaching group fitness, working in her children’s school and raising three amazing humans. She has enjoyed her two communities (CO & OH) and has spent time on the board of a few non-profits helping to develop mission, vision, policies, board development, fundraising, grant writing, annual budget review and strategic planning. For fun she likes to teach yoga and fitness classes, sling a paintbrush around, make delicious food with her kiddos, ride her bike, and keep her husband on his toes.

Contact: Kiera Gibbons
2660 Coshocton Ct.
Cincinnati, OH 45233



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